Discover Zen

The Zen Fitness philosophy is that everyone's ideal fitness can become a reality by making simple lifestyle changes and training suited just for you.  

Zen trainers lead innovative workouts that achieve results tailored to our client's specific needs and goals.  Life is enjoyed most fully with optimal health.  Our results leave our clients looking and feeling their best, and prepared for their healthier life.


Ben Shelton \

He will push your limits and make you a better athlete. You will end up doing things in this gym that you never thought you could do. They believe in you!! I improved mentally and physically working with the Zen team.


Paul Gardner \

As a Doctor I highly recommend Zen fitness to all. The staff has a great respect for the human body and are able to work with most orthopedic problems that might have once limited ones physical activity. Since I have been training with Zen fitness my entire outlook has changed on both diet and fitness. They have helped me realize that a short term diet and  small stints of over activity is not the answer for my physical goals. They have instilled a healthy lifestyle in me that is based on a strong foundation of both high intensity training and a fresh foods diet that I will carry with me for a lifetime.  

the studio


The Zen Fitness studio brings together the features of a full service gym without a crowd of members.

We provide a ratio of no more than six people in the gym at one time (but most times it is even less).  The environment is private, friendly and designed to deliver the most effective training.

Our 1900 square ft. has a variety of the newest, state of the art exercise equipment combined with open space to create a Zen environment. 


Ron Learn \

Four years ago I was 30 lbs. heavier, my knees hurt, and I felt like I was going to have to give up tennis, my favorite pastime.  I just didnt know where to start and hadnt worked out in years. To be honest, I was a little nervous to set foot in the gym because my fitness level was so poor.  Walking into Zen Fitness ended up being the best decision I ever made.  Four years later I can play tennis at a high level, I'm 30 lbs. lighter, strong, and I feel great!  The lifestyle changes they teach are lifelong and easy to learn.  Zen will start you from any level and get you to your personal best.


Anna Ligman \

After gaining 80 lbs with my first pregnancy, I tried many avenues to lose it.  Different gyms, prescription appetite suppressants, super reduced-calorie diets... Nothing worked to get me the long-term results that I wanted.  At Zen, I learned that there is no quick fix.  I needed to do a lifestyle change, including changing my relationship with food, views on nutrition, and attitude towards exercise.


real nutrition


The Zen Fitness team is passionate and dedicated to fostering health that starts from within.  

We help remove the barriers preventing a balanced life by harnessing the power within a whole-food diet.  Our experience and knowledge with food and the effect it can have on your goals is a big part our success stories.  We love sharing our resources with our community.